Conditions générales de vente. Identification
All orders made on will be automatically confirmed by Email.
Don't hesitate do directly contact our customer service if the provided information are wrong or missing. You will also received a confirmation EMail when we validate the order. You could ask for a direct shipping to your home, your office , your neightbours , the package will be totaly discret.
Our products are shipped via parcel express delivery services (Exapaq or colissimo Suivi la Poste) to the shipment address we have been provided.
To pay the order you could use our securised payement system provided by our bank partner SCELLIUS.
You could also select to pay by check . You have to send us the proper amount together with a printed copy of your internet order. Products remains property until the complete payment. Refering to the article L 121-16 'du Code de la consommation', you have in France the right to change your mind and cancel the order within 7 days, starting at the recept of the good. You should send the good back to in the same package. You will then be pay-off within the next 30 days.
For any question or remarks you could contact our customer service by Email at mail :
![]() Regarding the article 34 de la Loi "Informatique et Libertés" N° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978, you have the right to access your own data, to modify them, to suppress them from our database.
To do that please send an Email to Incontinence-SFPH :
![]() Your Email will be used only for our own activity. Informations are highly confidential and used only to help use providing you with the more accurate service. |